Wednesday, May 13, 2009

H1N1, the economic crisis and money

So this is a little rant here bear with me. I have a theory you see, a theory that will probably not blow any one's mind but it's something that has been bugging at me. The two "disasters" that we are currently going through (swine flu and the 'economic crisis') have been made up my the news media. Now when it comes to the economy the news media hasn't created the problem, there is an economic problem, but the media has blow it up. As it usually does with anything and we should all know that, but the media making it look like we are on the brink of the next great depression has only made the problem worse.
If it wasn't for the news making this problem into something a lot bigger then it is then I think some of the side effects would not be as bad. The reason it is so hard to get a job is because the media has made it look like we are all going to be jobless in a few months so everyone that has a job is holding on and everyone that hires is looking to save money but not hiring. The thing is the extent of the economic problems is not as large as the news would have you believe. Or economy is not a true capitalism and neither is that of the rest of the world, and because of this a huge horrible depression is almost impossible. We learned from the great depression and have modified our system to be a lot stronger.
Sure a lot of people have lost their jobs, but that has more to do with globalization, outsourcing and terrible management. That and unions that have no clue. If people want to keep working at a car factory for example then they have to recognize that no one wants shitty cars anymore and that they should be willing to take a hit in pay to keep their job. Because that is what it comes down to, take a pay hit or lose your job and people don't realize this until they lose their job because they didn't want to lose a few buck pay. Moving on.
H1N1, this is the biggest media created disaster I can remember. Here are some facts for you: Regular influenza kills on average 100 000 people a year, H1N1 has killed 53 people since it started. There is only one reason why people are worried about this flu, the media. You are better off getting h1n1(aka swine flu) then the regular flu. You are statistically more likely to die if you get the regular flu then if you get h1n1. So yah just had to get that off my chest.
Now one more thing, how to weather the coming global economic collapse followed by the mass deaths caused by h1n1. Save money outside banks, because if the banks go down they are taking your money with them. So save all your cash in an envelope under your mattress. Also make sure you stock up on canned food and shovels. The food so you can eat when the stores are looted clean and the shovels so you can bury your family after they die from swine flu. Or just stop watching the news and the world will start to seem like a much safer place. That's my crazy bad grammar, bad spelling rant. Hope it entertained you for a few minutes.

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