Friday, April 17, 2009

Give me money...please

I need money, so after a total of 15 minutes research, and 30 seconds of brainstorming I decided to go the least profitable route possible: create a blog. It is the end of my school year and 8 months of unemployment, heavy drinking and drug use, along with working hard at gaining the freshmen 15 I have encountered a problem. The problem is that I am now broke. It was a long road to my position of 7$ to may name and complete unemployment. Every time I thought that my bank statement would read 0$ I would be saved by some unexpected money. Be it christmas money, birthday money or the 50 bucks I made from someone who paid me to level their paladin in WoW I managed to stay afloat. But now as the year draws to an exam filled close, my bank account is empty and my meal card is spent. I need food first and foremost, then some money would be nice. I have been living off of Kraft dinner that I stashed before my own personal economic recession hit, but that is rapidly drying up. I can't ask my parents for money because frankly I have used too much of their cash already. No I'm stuck where I am, and I'm stuck here for my last 7 days of school.
Thing is my position is not all that bad, there are billions of people worse off then me. I should not be begging for money on the internet (note donate link) but here I am. It would not be all that bad were it not for exams. I have a lot of trouble studying when my stomach is yelling at me the whole time. So I need to eat so I can study and actually pass this year. I have 3 more exams to write before I'm done and I need to eat something more substantial then KD. You are probably yelling at me to get a job right now. My response to that is that I would if I could. I have applied at over 30 different places and so far nothing, not even an interview. It's not like I don't have a strong resume (it has gotten me hired in the past) no I blame it on the market. Like everyone else in the world right now I put all my problems on the *ahem* "economic crisis". So the long and short of it is that this is my first post on my first blog and I think it makes a suitable introduction. I do not know what I am going to do now, apparently making money off a blog is hard, involves a lot of luck (which I'm short on) and basic spelling skills (which I'm also short on), so I guess now I play the waiting (and writing) game. Your move internets.

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