Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Quick Rant

Okay I have a quick and not so unique rant. I don't know for sure but I think 'quick rant' might be an oxymoron. Anyway, this is about something that every somewhat tech savvy person has ranted about at one time or another, DRM. All I can say is that I hate it, I came to this conclusion a a long while ago, but it was made even more clear last night as I fiddled around with my roomies iphone. DRM ruins software and it ruins hardware and in my opinion it is what will eventually bring apple down.
See once all the apple people get over how pretty their hardware looks and how "omg macs kill pc's anyday" (which is a moot argument there are so many differences its basically apples and oranges), they will see what DRM is doing to it. Once all these mac heads with their iphones and i-(insert word here)'s realize that their hardware is the perfect platform for crippling DRM software sales will start to drop. The reason this gets me upset is that were it not for the fact that every mac product is crippled from the beginning they would have some of the best tech out there. It's a shame really, to see a company forced under by software meant to protect its income.
About DRM in general though, it is the most ineffective waste of money thing that a company can do to try and save money. When it comes to pc's, where users have more control, DRM is useless. I think that the hardware and software manufacturers out there need to take a step back and re-evaluate their positions. DRM does not save money and it makes legitimate users suffer. To combat the "losses" that piracy brings companies should try to make quality products that garner consumer gratitude and loyalty. This in my opinion would make people actually want to pay for stuff, of course some still won't, but its better then the current strategy where every customer is treated like a thief.
Well that's my rant, not so short I guess and most likely non-sensicle, but I think that's another characteristic of a rant, aren't they supposed to not make sense?

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