Wednesday, April 29, 2009


I'm not talking about the kind of traffic that you get run over by, or the kind you get stuck in for 6 hours, no I'm talking about internet traffic. I have been keeping at this bad boy for about 2 weeks give or take a few days, and my traffic is still zero. I maybe get 3 views a day from people who are not friends or family, and that's a big maybe. See those little gadgety things in the bottom right side of the page those are supposed to help bring traffic to my site, they do not work.
I have done everything I can think of to drive traffic to my site, but nothing seems to work that well. I have told people to come here, I have used those gadget things and nothing, hell I even tried quality posting and that didn't work. I ask you non-existent reader, help me acquire traffic. Digg my blog, thumbs up it in stumbleupon tell random people on msn to check it out, I ask you if you like this blog please help me because I am out of ideas. On the other hand it's not like I'm gonna stop posting if I don't get traffic it just feels like I am talking to a void, an abyss (and its not talking back). Also if you want to, please comment on posts, it makes me happy to see comments even negitive ones.
Now a bit of info, as you can probably tell I am going through an idea dry spell. I do not know what to post about. This is because of my lack of camera hardware and how my inability to take pictures of stuff is making my blog look bare, and also because my brain has entered summer mode. Maybe throught the assistance of certain materials I will do a random post...
Now due to lack of thinking I give you random youtube video yay:

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